Top 25 Worship Posts

Welcome to my blog: Worship Leaders University.  My goal is to provide top quality free teaching and resources to millions of worship leaders and teams around the world.

Here are my Top 25 Worship Posts as indicated by 4.9 million reads from over 1.8 million readers in 200+ countries. My prayer is that they will bless and teach you as you grow in your love for God and skill in leading God’s people in worship. Please feel free to share them on your blogs, websites and other social media platforms. (Each title has a link to that blog)

25. 10 Things Every Worship Leader Needs To Work On

No matter how long I have been leading worship, there are always areas that I need to improve on. My prayer is that this list challenges you, like it challenges me, to move ahead with what God has called us to do!

24. Worship Keyboards: 12 Keys to Improving

So you’re playing keyboards for your worship band this Sunday! Here are some proven steps and practices to help you do a great job.

23. Worship Leading: 4 Major Areas To Improve

Leading people in worship to the Lord is an awesome privilege and really involves four major areas: music, worship, leadership (people) and your relationship with God. Here are the main areas to consider for growth in your own personal worship leading journey. I’ve also put in links to help you go into more depth in each area.

22. 7 Keys to Picking A Great Worship Set This Sunday

Worship leaders, do you have a process for deciding what songs you are going to sing this Sunday? I was recently asked how I decide what to sing. Here is some insight into what has worked for me.

21. Singing: 7 Keys To Improving Pitch

When I am auditioning new singers, one of the main things I listen for is their ability to sing in-tune. There are few things that ruin singing more than being out-of-tune. If you are a singer or working with singers, here are 7 keys to help improve musical pitch.

20. Going from Song Leading to Worship Leading

Leaders, how do you go from just leading songs to leading worship? How do you get a congregation to get past just singing songs to actually worshiping God? Let me suggest some insights to help you grow as a worship leader.

19. How To Be A Great Backup Worship Singer

It’s one thing to have a great voice. It is quite another to possess the skills it takes to make your worship leader want to schedule you as often as possible. Here are some solid tips on how to improve.

18. Worship Charts: 7 Keys to a Great Rehearsal

One of the keys to having an excellent rehearsal is preparing great worship charts. Next level leaders are prepared and a big part of that preparation is working on excellent charts.

17. 10 Keys to Improving Your Singing

I have worked with average to great singers on the road, in the recording studio, in church and other musical settings for many decades. Here is what I have learned so far about helping singers improve:

16. What Are The Biblical Actions of Worship

Years ago, I learnt that the old proverb, ‘actions speak louder that words,’ was true. If people hear you saying or singing one thing, but your actions speak another thing, they tend to believe your actions rather than your words. Here are a number of the actions of worship that I have discovered in the Bible.

15. Worship Teams: The Role of a Music Director

For most of my years working with worship teams, I have been both the Worship Leader (WL) and the Music Director (MD) or Band Leader. But, when my main role is to be the Music Director, here is what I have found gets the best overall results.

14. Worship Leading: 7 Keys To Becoming Invisible

Have you ever been in a great worship service and the worship leader and team seemed to disappear and your complete focus turned to worshiping Jesus? Strong worship leaders know that worship is never about them, it’s about putting our gaze and attention on Jesus. Here are some keys to leading people toward Jesus in worship.

13. 9 Keys To Memorizing Music for Worship

Memorizing your worship music can bring your leading to a whole new level. Here’s what I do to memorize my weekly worship sets.

12. Worship Rehearsal Checklist

Solid prep work is essential for excellent rehearsals. Here is an extensive checklist to help you with many of the details.

11. Finding The Right Key For Leading Worship Songs

I have recently been teaching some new worship leaders how to pick the correct key for leading worship. Here is what has been most helpful for them.

10. 10 Tests Of A Good Worship Leader

How are you doing as a worship leader? How do you know if you are a good worship leader? Let me suggest a few guidelines that will help to quantify your leadership.

9. The Five Most Important Facts About Worship

I asked myself, if I could only speak once to an audience, what were the most important things on worship that I could share?

8. 10 Tips On Improving Your Worship Band Rehearsal

I have spent many days and evenings at rehearsals. It is the price you pay if you want to do music at a good musical level. It is the price you pay if you want to get past the music and be able to worship God freely.  Along the way I have picked up a few ideas on how to have a good rehearsal. Here is what I have learned so far:

7. 8 Steps Towards Next Level Worship

I love leading God’s people in worship. I have been blessed to have led church worship teams at home and around the world for over thirty years. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way.

6. 12 Keys To Picking Great Songs For Worship

Picking great songs for worship is one of the most important skills a worship leader needs to learn. What songs help our congregations to sing with all their hearts and connect with God? Here is my philosophy of picking great worship songs distilled from 10 years of travelling, writing charts for and over 25 years of leading congregations in worship.

5. The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members

Sometimes I lead worship and sometimes I play in the band. Both are important roles and have specific responsibilities to do them well. As both a leader and a player/singer, here are my ten most important rules as a team member:

4. 12 Things That Can Discourage Congregational Singing

Worship leaders – if the congregation is not singing, we are not doing what God has called us to do. Here are a few things that I’ve learned that can discourage your congregation from singing.

3. Strong Worship Leaders: The 18 Things They Avoid

Strong worship leaders develop good attitudes and habits. They keep their heart, mind and spirit right before God and man. Check out these things that strong leaders don’t do, so you can grow and improve.

2. My Top Worship Songs

Picking great songs for your congregation and worship band is one of the most important tasks of a worship leader. Great songs have a sense of God’s Spirit on them. Here is my current updated list.

1. Guidelines For A Strong Worship Team

In any quality organization there are codes of conduct and concrete expectations. I have been blessed to have worked with great teams from around world. Here are the standards and guidelines for my teams.

Top 7 Bonus Posts

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

This blog is part of my goal to train over 1,00,000 worship leaders and teams around the world. If you would like to support this vision you can help by giving any amount via PayPal here.

5 Responses to Top 25 Worship Posts

  1. Dwight Kelly says:

    Thank you!

  2. Todd Phipps says:


    Do you have a regular newsletter publication that you can register to receive via email?

    Your information on worship team criteria, protocol, and guidelines, is exactly what I have been looking for to help in establishing a mission statement and guidelines to govern the integrity and qualifications of our team.

    Thank you very much.
    Todd Phipps
    Lonsdale Community Church

    • Mark Cole says:

      Hi Todd.. yes if you look on the main page you will see a mail icon (near the right top) where you add your email to follow my posts. You can also follow me on Facebook and X.

  3. Anthony Onyango Yakobo says:

    How can one join the Worship University?

    • Mark Cole says:

      It’s simple: 1. Just subscribe through the email icon and get regular new posts. 2. Read through pasts posts and subjects that interest you. 3. Ask questions on areas that you would like to grow in.

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