Are you going to be interviewed for a worship position? Any job interview can be unnerving. Here are 99 great questions to think through, to help you prepare for that important interview.

- What is your definition of worship?
- Describe what worship looks like and why it’s more than music.
- What does it mean to live a lifestyle of worship?
- Do you have a theology of worship?
- Do you have a personal mission statement?
- Explain your call to ministry.
- Explain your specific call to be a lead worshiper.
- Have you studied at a Bible college or seminary? (This can be both good and bad—as far as seminary.)
- Do you have a good grasp of the Bible, theology and consider yourself to be of sound doctrine?
- Do you agree with our Statement of Faith?
- Do you agree with our denominational beliefs?
- Do you play an instrument?
- Do you lead from an instrument?
- The Bible instructs us to “play skillfully.” Do you work hard at your craft?
- Do you exercise your voice and practice your instrument daily?
- How often do you introduce a new song?
- Do you write any of your own songs?
- Do you arrange songs?
- Do you arrange old hymns and breathe new life into them occasionally?
- Do you even like and know hymns?
- Can you chart out music for your band? Can you listen to a song on the radio or iTunes and chart it out by ear?
- What are some of your musical influences?
- What are you listening to in your car, office and iPod?
- Can you coach a worship band and get the most out of them?
- Can you coach vocalists?
- Can you harmonize?
- Can you teach others to sing harmony?
- Do you know how to give professional musicians direction?
- Do you know how to give weak or poor musicians direction?
- What are some of your core or favorite songs these days?
- Who are some of your favorite Christian songwriters?
- Who are some of your favorite non-Christian songwriters?
- How familiar are you with media, tech (sound, video and lights)?
- Are you comfortable and competent recruiting and building a team of musicians?
- Are you comfortable and competent recruiting and building a tech team? (Some churches will have staff over tech, some will need the worship pastor to oversee this.)
- Flat out: Are you a team builder?
- Are you an equipper or a doer?
- Can you work hard and play hard?
- What are your hobbies?
- Do you have a sense of humor?
- Can you handle pranks?
- Are you engaging in worship and do you connect well with people from the stage?
- Do you engage and connect well with people off the stage?
- Can you administrate and schedule musicians and tech team members weekly?
- Are you comfortable using software like Planning Center Online?
- How far out do you plan?
- How would you describe your abilities when it comes to creative worship planning and brainstorming?
- Do you plan worship in solo or are you a part of a creative planning team?
- Are you more creative or administrative?
- Are you a people person?
- Are you in a small group?
- Could you lead a small group?
- Would you disciple your worship team and volunteers?
- Are you comfortable in a multi-site environment (if the church is multisite)?
- If the church is multisite, can you collaborate with the worship leaders at the other campuses?
- Have you taken the StrengthsFinder2.0 test? If so, what are your top five strengths?
- What are you top three Spiritual Gifts?
- Where are you on the DISC profile?
- Are you looking to settle down and invest in a community for a long time?
- Are you passionate about reaching the lost?
- Are you comfortable with an externally-focused church?
- Read through the 3 Lost Parables in Luke 15 and share with me what you think God was trying to get across about His heart for the lost.
- Will you do whatever it takes to reach people for Christ?
- Are you a team player?
- Do you have a strong work ethic?
- Are you driven? What drives you?
- Are you an intentional and strategic leader? Explain.
- Do you have a mentor?
- Do you mentor anyone else?
- How long have you been leading worship?
- Do you get pure joy in leading people into the Presence of God?
- Are you a Mac or PC person?
- Do you use tracks?
- Are you comfortable playing with a click?
- Explain your struggle with pride. I ask because I’ve yet to meet a pastor (worship pastor or senior pastor) that doesn’t struggle at least a little at some point with pride.
- Do you struggle with porn?
- What are your greatest strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What would your wife say is a weakness for you?
- What are the last three books you read?
- Who are some of your favorite authors?
- Do you know who A.W. Tozer is? Have you read any of his work?
- What is your favorite book of the Bible?
- What is your favorite leadership book?
- What is your favorite book on music and worship?
- Who are some of your favorite preachers?
- What’s your favorite movie?
- What’s your favorite sport?
- What makes you laugh?
- Who is the greatest boss you’ve ever had and why?
- What conferences do you go to?
- Who do you think are the leaders in design today (name companies that have a strong brand)?
- Who is your personal favorite worship leader?
- What is your current favorite worship song?
- Tell me about your family.
- Tell me about your friends. Are they all the same ethnicity?
- Tell me about your childhood?
- Tell me about your testimony. How did you come to faith in Christ?
- Why are you looking for a new church?
Don’t let the questions intimidate you—just be prepared to give honest answers. What other questions have you been asked in an worship interview?
These questions came from Greg Atkinson
As someone who has had to tell people that they didn’t qualify for the worship team. Let me say, it’s one of my toughest responsibilities.
Everyone has a gift.. but not everyone’s gift is music. In fact, only about 10% of a congregation is musical enough to be on the worship team or choir.
It’s always tough to be rejected.. but we all get rejected for something at some point in our lives. Use the disappointment to turn to God and ask what other area He wants you to serve in.
Great site