Studies have shown that the single most powerful catalyst for spiritual growth is personal Bible study and reflection. Getting our minds and hearts into God’s Word changes us! I know it has changed me! Do you want to be better this next year than last? Then take this challenge with me:

The Passion: To pursue God.
The Challenge: To read through God’s Word.
1. Big Goal: Read the Whole Bible Chronologically in a Year
- Read in both the Old and New Testaments each day.
- Follow a Bible Reading Plan, such as the Chronological Bible Plan.
- Option: Add one Psalm and one Proverb to your daily reading (a suggestion from Billy Graham).
2. Smaller Goal: Read the New Testament, Proverbs, and Psalms in One Year
- Follow a New Testament Bible Reading Plan: 2 chapters a day.
- Incorporate Proverbs and Psalms into your daily study.
The Result: Changed Lives
When we hear and apply what God reveals to us through His Word, our lives are transformed. Commit to a plan and see the difference it makes in your relationship with God.
Three Options to Get Started
- Daily Emails: Receive your daily reading plan via email with direct links to Simply sign up at the bottom of this link for one of the following options:
- Printable Reading Guide: Download and print a Bible reading guide to track your progress with your own Bible.
- Purchase a Bible: Buy your own NLT Chronological Bible from Amazon to follow along.
If you’re looking for more Bible reading options, check out the [Top Bible Reading Plans]. Let’s grow together in God’s Word this year!