Do Angels Fix Flat Tires?

A number of years ago, I was driving to church with my family on a Sunday morning. We were zooming down our local freeway at 110 km/hr (70 mi/hr) when all of a sudden I spotted an aluminium ladder strewn across the freeway in my path. I couldn’t avoid it and within seconds I drove across it and it popped one of my tires immediately.

flat tire

I quickly pulled over to the side of the freeway and spotted the pick-up truck that had dropped the ladder. I was in a hurry. I was heading to a choir rehearsal, so I quickly told my wife, Anna, to get the insurance info from the pick-up driver and I would change the tire.

Within five minutes we were back on the road and heading to church. As I pulled into the church parking lot, two more of my tires went flat. I didn’t even have time to even worry about it. My rehearsal was starting in a few minutes.

At the end of the rehearsal, before the first service began, an older man came up to me and asked if he could fix my tires for me. I was elated to get some help and quickly gave him my keys. At the end of the second service, this gentleman came up to me, returned my keys and informed me that the work had been done. All three of my tires had been fixed.

Wow! I thanked him profusely and then asked him how much I owed him. He kindly said that it was his gift. There was no charge. Double wow! What an amazing act of kindness!

The strange part of the story is that I had never met the man before that and I never saw him again after. Who was this kindly gentleman who came to my rescue? Could he have been an angel in disguise?

I was reminded of this verse in Hebrews: Angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. – Hebrews 1:14.  

I have often felt God’s hand of protection and supply in my life. But that was the only time it was as tangible as fixing three flat tires. And whether this man was a heavenly being or earthy being, either way, he was an angel!

Question: Have you ever had an angel encounter? Have you ever felt God’s protection?

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’ available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

Angel story from Terry Naude (New Zealand):

In 1992, on a Saturday afternoon, four men came into my factory with intent to rob and harm me. I was alone and they said they wanted work… highly unlikely. As they were about to go for me, a car came screeching up to the factory door. A man who I knew by the name of Mike ran into the factory shouting at these men and told them to leave…they ran off at high-speed. Mike said he was in the area and needed to pop in. With that, and me oh so grateful, off he went.

I saw Mike on the Monday and when I thanked him again for his help, he looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. He walked away with that look in his eyes, ‘This guys lost it!’

It was only this year I realized that was an angel in Mikes form that saved my life that day. Blessings…. Terry Naude

Angel story from Georgia Martin (Calgary, Canada):

In 1986 I was headed back to work, northbound along McLeod Trail. I had just passed through the intersection of McLeod Trail and Heritage Drive and I was in the left median lane. As I headed up the slight hill over the railroad tracks a car on the other side of the median lost control, hit the median, went airborne and hit the car directly in front of me, right into the windshield!!!

Glass, metal, tires flew into the air and went right over my car….I turned my steering wheel hard right and found myself on the right shoulder of the road, no harm to me or my vehicle….not too surprising under normal circumstances, however, it was rush hour traffic, with 3 full lanes of traffic, bumper to bumper!!!

No one was hit, my car was untouched!! I had been listening to Amy Grant’s “Angels Watching Over Me” I believe an angel lifted me over the other cars somehow without being touched! God is good and there is no predicting what He will do when He moves on behalf of His children.

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3 Responses to Do Angels Fix Flat Tires?

  1. Pingback: Do You Believe In Angels? Part 2 | Following God: The Grand Adventure

  2. Pingback: My Mom’s Christmas Miracle | Following God: The Grand Adventure

  3. Jon O. says:

    As a towing expert, I’ve heard numerous stories from customers about unusual coincidences during roadside assistance. While it’s essential to stay practical and focused on the task at hand, hearing these stories reminds us that sometimes there might be unseen forces at work, providing us with help when we need it most.

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