For those of you seeking evidence of Jesus’ resurrection, let me share with you the undeniable truths that have transformed my life and continue to inspire countless others around the world.

1. The Empty Tomb: Imagine standing before the tomb where Jesus was laid. The stone rolled away, the burial cloths left behind—undeniable evidence that something miraculous had occurred. The empty tomb is not just a historical fact but a tangible reminder of the power of the risen Saviour.
2. Post-Resurrection Appearances: Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead in secret; He revealed Himself to His followers in amazing appearances. He spoke with them, ate with them, and even invited them to touch His wounds. These encounters were not hallucinations or wishful thinking but real, tangible experiences of the living Christ.
3. Transformation of the Disciples: Witness the transformation of Jesus’ followers—from fearful and disillusioned to bold and unwavering in their faith. They went from hiding in fear to boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, even in the face of persecution and death. Such a radical change can only be explained by the reality of encountering the risen Jesus.
4. Early Christian Belief: The early Christians didn’t just believe in Jesus’ resurrection; they staked their lives on it. Their unwavering faith in the midst of adversity is a powerful testimony to the truth they experienced firsthand. The writings of the New Testament bear witness to their conviction and serve as a reliable historical record of Jesus’ resurrection.
5. Martyrdom of the Apostles: Consider the courage and conviction of the apostles who willingly faced persecution and death for their belief in Jesus’ resurrection. They could have renounced their faith to save their lives, but instead, they stood firm, testifying to the reality of the risen Christ even in the face of martyrdom.
6. Transformation of Saul (Paul): Saul, the persecutor of Christians, encountered the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus and was transformed into the passionate apostle Paul. His life bears witness to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and the transformative power of encountering the living Christ.
7. Continuity of the Church: For two millennia, the Church has endured and thrived, spreading the message of Jesus’ resurrection to every corner of the globe. Despite opposition and persecution, the Church continues to grow, a living testimony to the reality of Jesus’ victory over death.
The evidence of Jesus’ resurrection is all around us, waiting to be embraced by those who seek the truth with an open mind and a willing heart.