In 1 John 2:6, the apostle writes, “Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.” This verse is both a profound encouragement and a sobering challenge. To live as Jesus did in our modern world is no small task. Yet, the calling remains clear: if we claim to know God and abide in Him, our lives should reflect the life of Jesus.

But what does it mean to live like Jesus in today’s context? Let’s explore some key principles:
1. Walk in Intimacy with God
Jesus lived in constant connection with His Father. He often withdrew to quiet places to pray, sought God’s will in every decision, and prioritized His relationship with the Father above all else.
For Christians today, this means cultivating daily habits of prayer, Bible study, and worship. It’s not just about checking off spiritual tasks but living with an awareness of God’s presence throughout the day.
Practical Tip:
Set aside intentional time each day for prayer and Scripture meditation. Start with small, consistent steps, such as 10 minutes in the morning or evening, and gradually deepen your time with God.
2. Love Radically
Jesus’ love knew no boundaries. He loved the outcasts, dined with sinners, and extended grace to His enemies. His command to us is equally clear: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).
Modern Christians can follow His example by showing kindness to those who are difficult to love, serving the marginalized, and being quick to forgive. Love isn’t a feeling but an action—a commitment to put others’ needs ahead of our own.
Practical Tip:
Look for opportunities to serve your community—whether it’s volunteering at a shelter, supporting a family in need, or simply being present for a friend going through a hard time.
3. Serve Selflessly
Jesus came “not to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28). He washed His disciples’ feet, healed the sick, and ultimately gave His life for humanity.
For us, living like Jesus means adopting a posture of humility and looking for ways to serve others in our daily lives. This could mean helping a neighbor, supporting a coworker, or using our talents to bless others.
Practical Tip:
Consider how you can serve within your local church or community. Whether it’s joining a ministry, teaching a class, or simply offering a listening ear, every act of service reflects Christ’s heart.
4. Pursue Holiness
Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience to God, resisting temptation and choosing righteousness. While none of us are perfect, we are called to grow in holiness and align our lives with God’s Word.
In today’s world, this might mean standing firm against cultural pressures, resisting materialism, or choosing integrity in a situation where it’s easier to compromise.
Practical Tip:
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in your life that need transformation. Commit to living with integrity in your relationships, work, and daily choices.
5. Share the Gospel Boldly
Jesus’ mission was clear: “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). He spoke truth with compassion and invited people into a relationship with God.
Christians today are called to do the same. Sharing our faith doesn’t always mean preaching a sermon—it can be as simple as sharing a testimony, inviting someone to church, or living in a way that makes others curious about our hope.
Practical Tip:
Be intentional about building relationships with non-Christians. Pray for opportunities to share your faith naturally and lovingly.
6. Embrace Suffering with Hope
Jesus endured suffering with unwavering trust in God’s plan. He faced rejection, persecution, and ultimately the cross, knowing that His suffering would bring redemption.
As Christians, we’re not immune to hardship, but we can face it with hope, knowing that God works all things for good. Living like Jesus means trusting God even in the storms of life.
Practical Tip:
When facing trials, lean into God through prayer and Scripture. Surround yourself with a community of believers who can encourage and support you.
Living as Jesus did is a lifelong journey, not a checklist to complete. It’s about abiding in Him, growing in love, and letting His Spirit transform us from the inside out.
In our modern world, we may face unique challenges, but the core principles remain timeless: intimacy with God, radical love, selfless service, holiness, bold witness, and enduring hope.
As we strive to live like Jesus, we not only grow closer to Him but also reflect His light to a world that desperately needs His love and grace.
What steps will you take today to live as Jesus did?