In 2 Corinthians 5:17. Paul writes: “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” What does he mean? To understand its meaning, let’s do a ‘quick dive’ into the verse in its broader context.

In this passage, the apostle Paul is discussing the transformation that occurs in the life of a person who becomes a follower of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes that when someone is “in Christ,” meaning they have a personal relationship with Jesus and have surrendered their lives to Him, a profound change takes place.
The phrase “the new creation has come” refers to the spiritual rebirth and transformation that occurs in the life of a believer. It signifies that through faith in Christ, a person is spiritually renewed and becomes a new creation in God’s sight. This transformation is not merely an external change but a deep internal renewal of one’s nature and identity.
The subsequent statement, “The old has gone, the new is here,” signifies that the previous sinful nature and the patterns of behavior associated with it have been replaced by a new life in Christ. It emphasizes the idea of leaving behind the old way of living and embracing a new way of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
In essence, this verse highlights the transformative power of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. It speaks of the forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, which enables believers to live in accordance with God’s will and experience a renewed life. It signifies a radical shift from the old life dominated by sin and separation from God to a new life marked by righteousness, spiritual growth, and a deepening relationship with God.