In Mark 13:9-10, Jesus tells His disciples, “You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are My followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell them about Me. For the Good News must first be preached to all nations.” These words serve as a powerful reminder that, no matter the challenges, the mission remains the same: to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Distractions Will Come
Life is full of distractions that can pull us away from our God-given mission. Personal struggles, opposition, discouragement, and even the busyness of ministry can cause us to lose sight of what truly matters. Jesus warned His disciples that they would face persecution, but He reframed it as an opportunity to witness. Likewise, we must view difficulties not as deterrents but as doorways to share Christ.
The Gospel Must Be Preached
Jesus’ words make it clear: the Gospel must be preached to all nations. This isn’t optional. It’s a divine mandate that every believer is called to participate in. Whether through preaching, teaching, worship leading, writing, or simply sharing our faith in daily conversations, we are part of God’s mission to bring salvation to the world.
Relying on the Holy Spirit
One of the greatest encouragements in this passage is found in Mark 13:11: “Do not worry in advance about what to say. Just say what God tells you at that time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” Staying focused on the mission requires us to trust that God will equip us with the words and wisdom we need. We are not alone in this task—the Holy Spirit empowers us for the work of the Gospel.
Practical Ways to Stay Focused
- Keep the Great Commission at the Center – Remind yourself daily that you are called to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).
- Pray for Boldness – Ask God to give you courage to speak His truth, even in difficult situations (Acts 4:29).
- Stay in the Word – Regularly reading and meditating on Scripture keeps us aligned with God’s mission.
- Surround Yourself with Mission-Minded People – Being in community with others who share the same passion for the Gospel helps maintain focus.
- Serve Where You Are – Look for opportunities to share Christ in your everyday life—at work, in your neighborhood, or through your church.
The Time is Now
The mission isn’t for some day in the future—it’s for right now. Every interaction, every conversation, and every opportunity can be used to glorify God and share His love. Jesus’ words remind us that despite trials, setbacks, or opposition, the Good News must go forward. Let’s commit ourselves to staying focused on the mission and making Christ known in all that we do.