The Coolest Miracle That I Have Personally Seen!

In February of 2000 I was involved in an incredible week of seeing 2000-3000 people per day coming to Jesus in meetings with Charles Ndifon in Denmark, Copenhagen. At the end of the first week, on the Sunday, our team was booked to go to a small church meeting outside of Copenhagen in a school auditorium.

Miracles happen

The small local church of 70 people were quite overwhelmed when over 600 people crammed into that school gym. I could tell that from the response of the crowd that most of the people had very little experience with church. They did not understand congregational worship so they would politely applauded after every song that the young local worship team did.

When the time came for Charles to minister, I was at the front playing the piano. Soon after Charles began to talk, he indicated that there was someone at the back of the auditorium whom God wanted to touch. I later asked Charles why he called that man forward.. he said that when he looked at the crowd, everyone was in ‘black and white’ and this man was in ‘colour’.. so he knew God was pointing him out.

The man came forward with his arm in a sling and Charles asked him what had happened. The man had been in an industrial accident and his arm had been severely mangled. It was so bad that the doctors wanted to amputate it. The man was taking morphine for the extreme pain. In the process of the conversation, Charles realized that the man was already healed and asked him to take his arm out of the sling. The man hesitated, he thought any movement would result in some extreme pain. Charles finally coaxed him to take his arm from the sling.

To the man’s amazement, when he took his arm out of the sling, there was no pain. I was standing just a few feet away and I could see the man’s expression change from disbelief to incredible joy. When he realized that his arm was healed, he began to move it all around and a huge smile came across his face. He must have had a Catholic background because he did the ‘sign of the cross’.

Right after that Charles told the crowd that Jesus had healed this man’s arm. And, ‘how many people there would like to know Jesus’… practically the whole crowd lifted their hands. They had just seen Jesus perform an incredible healing and they wanted to know Him!

A few years later I was playing piano and leading worship in Copenhagen again (Kirken i Kulturcenteret) and I recognized the man whose arm had been healed that Sunday morning. He was sitting in the audience around 40 feet from me. I got someone else to play for me and I slipped out into the audience to talk to him.

I asked him how he was doing. He told me that Jesus had totally healed him that Sunday morning and he never had a trace of pain from that moment forward. He also now had full use of his arm from that day to the present. It had changed his life! Wow!!
Jesus still heals people…

Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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2 Responses to The Coolest Miracle That I Have Personally Seen!

  1. Pingback: The Bucket List | Following God: Notes ♫ From A Grand Adventure

  2. ..l need healing and family oroblems

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