The Dangers of Testing and Not Believing God

In Numbers 14:22, God speaks these sobering words:

“They have all seen My glorious presence and the miraculous signs I performed both in Egypt and in the wilderness, but again and again they have tested Me by refusing to listen to My voice.”

This passage is a powerful reminder of the dangers of testing God and refusing to believe His promises. The Israelites had experienced firsthand the mighty works of God—deliverance from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, manna from heaven, water from a rock—yet they still doubted and rebelled. Their persistent unbelief led to devastating consequences: an entire generation was barred from entering the Promised Land.

What Does It Mean to Test God?

Testing God means doubting His word, questioning His character, and demanding proof beyond what He has already revealed. It’s an attitude that says, “I’ll believe You, God, only if You do things my way.”

The Israelites tested God by complaining, grumbling, and refusing to trust His leadership. They questioned His goodness despite His ongoing provision.

Psalm 95:9 echoes this warning: “Where your ancestors tested and tried Me, though they had seen what I did.”

Jesus also rebuked the idea of testing God when Satan tempted Him to throw Himself off the temple. He responded with Deuteronomy 6:16: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Why Is Not Believing God So Dangerous?

  1. It Hardens the Heart Hebrews 3:12-13 warns that unbelief leads to a hardened heart, making it more difficult to hear and respond to God.
  2. It Delays God’s Promises The Israelites wandered for 40 years because of their refusal to trust God’s promise of the land (Numbers 14:33). Our own doubts can delay the blessings God wants to give us.
  3. It Leads to Missed Opportunities Many Israelites missed the Promised Land because of their unbelief. We, too, can miss out on God’s best for us if we refuse to trust Him.
  4. It Insults God’s Faithfulness When we doubt, we act as if God is not trustworthy. Yet, He has proven His faithfulness time and time again.

How to Overcome Doubt and Strengthen Your Faith

  • Remember God’s Past Faithfulness – Keep a journal of answered prayers and testimonies.
  • Stay in the Word – Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
  • Surround Yourself with Believers – Faith is strengthened in community.
  • Obey Even When You Don’t Understand – Trusting God means walking in obedience even when the path isn’t clear.
  • Pray for Faith – Like the man in Mark 9:24, ask God, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Final Thoughts

God is patient and merciful, but persistent unbelief leads to real consequences. Let’s be a people who trust Him fully, listen to His voice, and walk by faith—not by sight.

Are there areas in your life where you’ve been doubting God? Surrender them to Him today and step forward in faith!

About Mark Cole

Jesus follower, Husband, Father, Worship Leader, Writer, Pastor, Church Consultant, Founding Arranger for, squash & tennis player, blogger & outdoor enthusiast.. (biking, hiking, skiing). Twitter: @MarkMCole Facebook: mmcole
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