The Night I Wore A Dumb Wig On Stage

When you are young, you don’t always think things through… sometimes you do dumb stuff! Case in point: When I was 19 years old, I was travelling with a band in England. One day we had a day off, so a number of us went shopping in London. Somehow I got talked into trying on an Afro wig!


Who knows why I did it, but I ended up buying the Afro wig. Weird, I know! But sometimes you do dumb stuff. In my defence, Afro’s were popular back then. One night soon after that, we decided to get as many people in our band to wear their hair in an Afro style for a concert at a church. So that night, there were about seven of us in Afro’s. Who knows why? It just sounded like a fun thing to do.

Our band was often billeted at people’s homes and this particular night, I was billeted with three other guys at the Pastor’s home. Now normally we would have just stayed one night, but because of a gap in our tour, we ended up staying three nights.

Now I was embarrassed to let our hosts to know that I had been wearing a wig. So, I kept it on for the whole three days. If you have ever worn a wig, you know that it can get really itchy. Finally on the last morning, I couldn’t take it any longer. I had a shower and blow-dried my own hair bone straight.

When I went down for breakfast, the pastor’s family was shocked! “How did you get your hair so straight?” they asked. Again, I was too embarrassed to admit that I had worn a wig, so I just responded, “I just blow-dried it and it came out straight.” Dumb answer, I know! But in my defence, I was young and dumb!

I still laugh when I think about it. Dumb stuff, but fun stories! Later on, we were travelling in South Africa and we did a comedy skit where I wore the Afro wig on stage. Here is the pic to prove it!


 Question: What fun dumb stuff have you done that you are willing to admit?

Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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One Response to The Night I Wore A Dumb Wig On Stage

  1. Sylvia butler says:

    another transparent and honest post….I laughed when I read it and it made me think of the time I wore a clowns outfit at our choir banquet, just to show them that I wasn’t always so serious! I remember you laughing when I turned around facing my back to them, to show that I had another side to me!

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