The Rewards of Following Jesus

Peter’s bold question to Jesus—“We’ve given up everything to follow You. What will we get?”—reveals something deeply human about our journey of faith. We long to know that our sacrifices, our efforts, and our obedience have meaning. Jesus’ answer, found in Matthew 19:28-30, offers both encouragement and a reminder of the eternal perspective we need to embrace as His followers.

1. Earthly Sacrifices and Eternal Rewards

Following Jesus often requires us to give up things that are precious to us—our comfort, relationships, possessions, or even our sense of security. Yet, Jesus assures us that these sacrifices are never wasted. For those who give up “houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children, or property” for His sake, Jesus promises blessings multiplied a hundredfold, along with the inheritance of eternal life.

This doesn’t necessarily mean we will receive material wealth or earthly rewards. Instead, the promise speaks of the richness of God’s provision:

  • Spiritual Family: In Christ, we gain a larger family—the Body of Christ—filled with brothers and sisters who walk with us on this journey.
  • Heavenly Treasures: Our obedience stores up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20), rewards that cannot be stolen or destroyed.
  • God’s Presence: The greatest reward is God Himself. Walking with Him brings peace, joy, and purpose that far surpasses what the world offers.

2. The Great Reversal

“But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then” (Matthew 19:30).

Jesus turns worldly values upside down. Our culture often measures greatness by power, wealth, and recognition, but Jesus reminds us that His kingdom operates differently. Those who humbly serve, who love sacrificially, and who faithfully follow Him without seeking applause will be honored in ways beyond our comprehension.

This promise gives us hope when our efforts go unnoticed or when we feel like the least important person in the room. God sees, and He values our faithfulness.

3. Following Jesus Is Worth It

It’s natural to wonder, as Peter did, if following Jesus is worth it. The answer is a resounding “Yes!” The rewards of following Jesus are not just future promises—they are present realities. Even now, we experience:

  • Peace in the Storms: Jesus calms our hearts even when life’s circumstances are difficult.
  • Guidance and Purpose: We no longer wander aimlessly. Jesus directs our steps, giving meaning to our lives.
  • Unshakable Hope: No matter what happens, we are secure in the knowledge that we are loved by God and destined for eternity with Him.

4. Living with Eternity in View

Jesus’ response to Peter challenges us to lift our eyes beyond the here and now. The sacrifices we make today pale in comparison to the glory and joy that await us. As Paul writes, “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Final Thoughts: A Call to Follow

Following Jesus is not always easy. It demands surrender, obedience, and faith. But the rewards far outweigh the cost. We gain the privilege of walking with the Lord, the joy of being part of His mission, and the assurance of heaven.

If you’re feeling the weight of sacrifice or wondering if it’s worth it, remember Jesus’ words. Be encouraged that nothing given up for Him is ever lost. Instead, it is multiplied in ways we cannot fully imagine now.

So, let us keep following Him with joy, knowing that the best is yet to come—not in a worldly sense, but in the eternal glory of being with our Lord and Savior forever.

Question to Ponder: What sacrifices have you made for Jesus, and how have you experienced His blessings in return? Share your thoughts or testimonies in the comments below—I’d love to hear your story!

About Mark Cole

Jesus follower, Husband, Father, Worship Leader, Writer, Pastor, Church Consultant, Founding Arranger for, squash & tennis player, blogger & outdoor enthusiast.. (biking, hiking, skiing). Twitter: @MarkMCole Facebook: mmcole
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