Teaching students to play by ear can be a valuable skill for any musician. Here are some tips that can help music teachers teach their students to play by ear:

- Emphasize listening skills: Encourage students to listen carefully to the music they are trying to learn, paying attention to the melody, rhythm, and harmony. Provide opportunities for them to listen to recordings of the music they are learning.
- Start simple: Begin by teaching simple melodies or chord progressions that are easy to hear and recognize. Encourage students to play along with recordings or to sing the melody before attempting to play it on their instrument.
- Use call-and-response exercises: Play a short melody or chord progression and have the student repeat it back to you. Gradually increase the complexity of the exercises as the student improves.
- Provide guidance: Help students identify the key and the chord progression of the music they are learning. This can help them figure out the melody by ear.
- Use improvisation: Encourage students to experiment with improvisation, using the melody or chord progression as a starting point. This can help them develop their ear and their ability to play by ear.
- Be patient: Learning to play by ear takes time and practice. Encourage students to keep practicing and experimenting with different approaches until they find what works best for them.
Overall, teaching students to play by ear requires a combination of listening skills, guidance, and practice. With patience and persistence, students can develop their ability to play by ear and become more confident and creative musicians.