The laying on of hands is a powerful biblical practice that appears throughout Scripture, symbolizing blessing, commissioning, healing, and the impartation of spiritual gifts. While it is often associated with church leadership and healing ministries today, its roots go deep into the Old and New Testaments. Let’s explore the purpose, practice, and significance of the laying on of hands in the Bible.

1. The Purpose of Laying On of Hands
The Bible shows that laying on of hands was used for several key purposes:
- Blessing – Imparting God’s favor and speaking prophetic words over others.
- Commissioning & Authority – Ordaining leaders and setting people apart for God’s work.
- Healing – An act of faith through which God’s power brings restoration.
- Impartation of the Holy Spirit – A way of receiving spiritual gifts and empowerment.
- Transfer of Sin or Guilt – A ritual act under the Old Testament sacrificial system.
2. Biblical Practice of Laying On of Hands
A. Blessing (Patriarchal Blessings)
One of the earliest examples of laying on of hands is found in Genesis 48:14, where Jacob blessed his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, by placing his hands on their heads. This act signified the passing of divine favor and a prophetic destiny.
B. Commissioning & Authority (Leadership and Priesthood)
Laying hands was also used in commissioning leaders and setting people apart for ministry:
- Numbers 8:10 – The Israelites laid hands on the Levites to consecrate them for their priestly duties.
- Numbers 27:18-20 – Moses laid hands on Joshua, transferring leadership authority.
- Acts 6:6 – The apostles laid hands on the first deacons, setting them apart for service.
- 1 Timothy 4:14 – Paul reminds Timothy that his spiritual gift was given through the laying on of hands.
C. Healing
One of the most well-known uses of laying on of hands in the Bible is for healing:
- Mark 6:5 – “Jesus laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.”
- Luke 4:40 – “At sunset, all who had people sick with various diseases brought them to Him, and He laid His hands on each one of them and healed them.”
- Acts 28:8 – Paul laid hands on a sick man and healed him in Jesus’ name.
Jesus and His followers used this physical act as a point of faith for divine healing.
D. Impartation of the Holy Spirit
The laying on of hands was also associated with receiving the Holy Spirit in the early church:
- Acts 8:17 – Peter and John laid hands on new believers, and they received the Holy Spirit.
- Acts 19:6 – When Paul laid hands on some disciples, they received the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues.
E. Transfer of Sin (Old Testament Sacrificial System)
In the Old Testament, laying on of hands was part of the sacrificial system, symbolizing the transfer of sin:
- Leviticus 16:21 – The High Priest laid his hands on the head of a goat, confessing the sins of Israel over it before sending it into the wilderness.
- Leviticus 4:15 – The elders laid hands on a sacrificial bull as a symbol of atonement for the people’s sins.
These actions foreshadowed Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice who took upon Himself the sins of the world.
3. The Significance of Laying On of Hands
Laying on of hands carries profound spiritual significance:
- A Symbol of Divine Appointment – A visible act of setting someone apart for God’s work.
- An Act of Faith – Demonstrates trust in God’s power for healing, blessing, and commissioning.
- A Spiritual Impartation – Transfers anointing, gifts, or authority.
- A Sign of Community Participation – Represents corporate agreement and support in God’s work.
Final Thoughts
The laying on of hands is a biblical practice rich with meaning, used for blessing, commissioning, healing, receiving the Holy Spirit, and sacrificial atonement. Whether in the Old or New Testament, this act serves as a physical expression of divine power, faith, and spiritual authority. As believers, we can embrace this biblical principle, recognizing that it is not just a ritual but a means by which God works powerfully in the lives of His people.