The Bible is filled with stories where God speaks to people in various ways—through prophets, visions, angels, and even a still small voice. One particularly fascinating method God often uses is dreams. For example, in Genesis 31:24, God warns Laban in a dream, saying, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.” This encounter raises a compelling question: why does God use dreams to communicate?
Let’s explore some reasons revealed through Scripture and what we can learn from them.

1. Uninterrupted Communication
Dreams happen when we’re asleep—a time when our minds are less distracted by the hustle and bustle of life. In our waking hours, the noise of our thoughts, worries, and daily activities can make it harder to hear God’s voice. Dreams provide a unique opportunity for uninterrupted communication, where God can get our full attention.
In Laban’s case, he was likely focused on his wealth, family dynamics, and his pursuit of Jacob. But when he slept, God reached him in a way that could not be ignored.
2. Divine Authority and Awe
Dreams, especially when vivid or supernatural, carry a sense of weight and authority. When someone experiences a dream that feels undeniably “otherworldly,” it’s hard to dismiss. For someone like Laban, who might not have been particularly reverent toward Jacob’s God, the dream served as a clear display of divine power and authority.
This authority is seen elsewhere in Scripture, such as when Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar received dreams that left them unsettled until God’s servants interpreted them. The impact of such dreams often caused even non-believers to acknowledge God’s sovereignty.
3. Universal Accessibility
One of the beautiful things about dreams is that they’re universal. Every culture, religion, and person experiences dreams. In the Bible, God uses dreams not just with His followers but also with those who don’t yet know Him. Laban, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, and Pilate’s wife are all examples of individuals who received divine messages through dreams, despite their spiritual states.
This shows God’s willingness to meet people where they are, bypassing barriers of language, culture, or belief. Dreams can serve as a bridge for God’s revelation to anyone, regardless of their relationship with Him.
4. Prophetic Revelation
Dreams often reveal things about the future or God’s plans in ways that ordinary communication cannot. For example, Joseph’s dreams as a young man (Genesis 37) prophetically revealed that he would one day rise to a position of leadership and his family would bow to him. Though the dream’s meaning wasn’t immediately clear to everyone, it pointed to God’s unfolding plan.
God’s warning to Laban also carried a prophetic tone. By telling Laban to leave Jacob alone, God was protecting His covenant promise to Jacob. This dream wasn’t just about preserving Jacob—it was about ensuring the continuation of God’s larger plan for His people.
5. Protection and Direction
Dreams can serve as immediate guidance or warnings, offering protection in critical moments. In Matthew 2:13, for instance, God warned Joseph (Mary’s husband) in a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus to escape Herod’s murderous plans. This dream literally saved Jesus’ life.
Similarly, God’s warning to Laban protected Jacob and his family from potential harm. It also reminded Laban that he was dealing with more than just a family dispute—he was dealing with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What Can We Learn Today?
While the Bible provides these extraordinary examples, many Christians wonder if God still speaks through dreams today. The answer is yes! God is unchanging, and He can still use dreams to reveal His will, provide comfort, offer warnings, or draw people closer to Him. However, we must approach dreams with discernment.
Here are a few principles to keep in mind:
- Test the Dream Against Scripture: God will never communicate something in a dream that contradicts His Word. If a dream aligns with biblical truth, it may be from Him.
- Seek Wise Counsel: If you’re unsure about the meaning of a dream, seek guidance from spiritually mature individuals who can help interpret it through prayer and wisdom.
- Pray for Clarity: Not every dream is from God. Some dreams are simply a product of our subconscious. Pray and ask God for discernment to know whether a dream is His voice or not.
- Be Open to God’s Voice: Whether through dreams, Scripture, prayer, or other means, remain open to hearing from God. He speaks in many ways, and a willing heart is key to recognizing His voice.
Final Thoughts
God’s use of dreams is a testament to His creativity, sovereignty, and desire to communicate with us. Just as He warned Laban, guided Joseph, and revealed the future to Daniel, God can use dreams to speak into our lives today. While not every dream carries divine significance, we can trust that God still reaches out to His people in ways that capture their attention and reveal His plans.
Have you ever had a dream that you felt was from God? What did you do with it? Share your story and let’s explore together how God uses dreams to draw us closer to Him and fulfill His purposes. Here’s a link to the story about my dream from God.